Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Summer 2010

The summer is already half over, but what a wonderful summer we've had!
There have been a couple baby horses born which are always adorable.
Sarah and Elliot were able to come and visit us in June for a week.
Nathan graduated from William and Mary and Thunderbird with a dual
masters degree, and Kellie has been accepted to Brooklyn Law School.
They were able to come and visit us for a few days. We are excited for
them to start their new life in New York. Nathan will begin his job with
IBM end of August.
Alex was accepted into the BYU Accounting School and he continues to
see the lovely Erica Neuffer, an education major from Chicago.
We had a miracle happen in our family with Dan and Sara becoming parents
to little Tatum Suzanne Fishler, who was born on June 19th. She is the
answer to many prayers! She has made so many people happy with her
And in a couple of weeks Mark and I will head up to Oregon to deliver
Nate and Kellie's bulldog, Mr. Pot Pie, to Sarah and Jeremy and Elliot.
They are going to take care of him for a few months until Nate and
Kellie get all settled into their life back East. Mark and I also celebrated our 36th wedding anniversary.


Ashley and Hallie said...

Wow...looks like you have had a very busy summer. I love the picture of Pot Pie on the chair and of course the ones of Tatum! :)

Robbie said...

We were so glad to share some of that fun summer with you! It's always SO great to see you guys. AND I'm so glad that we got to say hi to Sarah and Danny's little one and hang out with Kelli and Nate. We will arrange a meeting for you and Jacob sometime . . . lots of love to you!